About Me

wilujeng sumping di blog kuring!

nepangkeun, sim kuring teh Riza Saputra, ayeuna alhamdulillaah margi tos khatam janten mahasiswa di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), jurusan T. Telekomunikasi janten sim kuring janten pegawai di divisi IT di PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON+). Resep ka PERSIB, hobi ngawadul tapi teu bari ngadu bako, anti nyeuseup kuring mah alhamdulillaah. emm, naon deui nya? tepang taunna 28 juni, bilih aya nu bade masihan kado, hehe

ah bingung yeuh dek nulis naon deui, yasudlah urang tulis biodata we…

Nama: Riza Saputra

TTL: Bandung 28 Juni 1988 (urang Bandung pituin yeuh!)

Status: Galau & labil

Agama: Islam forever!

Makanan fav: mie instan + apa pun yg gratisan

Minuman fav: jus sirsak

Facebook (siapa tau ada yang mau nge-add, terutama yang main Mafia Wars diterima pisan buat ngegedein jumlah mafia hehe updated: sy udah ga main Mafia Wars haha): Riza Saputra

Cita-cita masa lalu:

– Jedi’s Knight (pengen punya light saber uy, keren pisan keliatannya)

– Pemain AC Milan (dah mustahil)

– Insinyur, sy pengen memajukan teknologi Indonesia biar kita bisa menjadi bangsa yang mandiri di bidang teknologi, skalian buat balas budi ke rakyat Indonesia yang dah bayar pajak ngebantuin biaya kuliah sy saat ini di suatu institut teknologi

– wirausahawan, sy pengen punya perusahaan raksasa berbasis sains teknologi dan seni (ITB banget hahaha…), perusahaan yang smoga bisa memberi penghidupan bagi yang membutuhkan

– guru SMP, coz masa SMP sy rasa adalah masa paling rawan, masa yg akan menentukan dy jadi pemuda berguna atw biasa-biasa aja atw ga berguna atw malah perusak. lagian jadi guru SMP kynya menyenangkan, nampak banyak libur+klo karyawisata dibayarin siswa, hehehe

Motto hidup:

1. Jika tidak ada orang yang berjuang di jalan 4JJ1, maka aku telah tiada

2. Santai sukses senang

3. Tawaran/kesempatan apa pun ambil aja dulu, bingung belakangan, da impossible mah nothing

Quote paporit:

1. kalau melakukan sesuatu dengan asal-asalan, itu baru memalukan! ~ Nohara Shinnosuke

2. Knowledge is power but character is more ~ smun 3 bandung

oia, slaen tu ada tulisan juga tentang kepribadian sy mnurut sbuah personality test:

Riza is an optimistic individual. He is the type of person who loves exploring new places or things and a wide variety of experiences. He tends to display a natural charisma that draws others to his charm. Riza is a very encouraging person; others are drawn to him because they find him inspirational.

Recognizing the value of a good relationship, Riza is very patient and caring when relating to others. He is even-paced; and Riza usually remains calm and relaxed, even in situations that may ruffle some others. He likes the role of a peacemaker, when working through problems, Riza tries to rely on successful strategies that have proven results.

Riza prefers to work through problems by analyzing things that worked in the past. He is willing to follow another person’s lead if they display adequate ability and if Riza has confidence in their ability. He is someone who is able to lead, if necessary; but usually prefers to wait and see if another person volunteers first.

Riza will usually test ideas against proven standards in an effort to be inventive; and can be very creative as he identifies new solutions to problems. He is an original and creative thinker, but acts in a rational way to make sure desired results are achieved in an orderly manner; although he is not afraid to “break the mold” if that appears to be the key to a solution.

23 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi boy…good blog you have..but eta bahasa na abdi teh nte ngarti..just to remain that you are half bandung and half padang right…?

  2. Salam kenal, Kang. 🙂 ^__^
    Aduh, udah hampir 4 tahun di Bandung tapi masih ga bisa bahasa sunda. 😆
    Angkatan 2005, Kang? 😀 Mohon doanya ya Kang, moga saya bisa lulus tahun ini. 🙂

    • salam kenal juga, hahah ternyata ente yang ngeadd sy di fb toh 😀
      iya sok atuh diajar basa sunda, kan viking bonek satu hati (naon deuih)
      sip2 smoga bs lulus taun ini ya, aamiin

  3. Hi, possibly i’m being a little bit off topic here, but I was browsing your site and it looks exceptional. I’m building a blog and trying to make it look neat, but everytime I touch it I mess something up. Did you design the blog yourself? Could someone with little experience do it, and add updates without messing it up? Anyways, good information on here, very informative.

    • Hi garden flags, first of all, thanks for your praise 😀
      I didn’t design this blog myself, I simply used a theme available in WordPress (this one I am using now is called Titan), and yes, anyone can use WordPress themes easily.

      If you are not very confident with your skill in website building, I suggest you try using CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, Magento, etc. By using CMS, you would be able to concentrate on updating contents of your website without worrying messing up the websites layout, and you’ll have dozen of themes and plugins to customize how you want your website look.

      If you want to try WordPress, you can download the CMS at http://wordpress.org/download/ and then unzip it, and host it in your server. After that, for first use (your first visit to your web) you will have to configure some settings, and then you can browse yourself plenty benefits WordPress CMS have to offer 🙂

  4. Halo Riza,Tulisan Anda bagus sekali. Mahasiswa ITB juga kan ? Wah 🙂

    Jika berkenan meluangkan waktu dan pengalamannya, mohon bisa dibagi di web user generated http://www.masukitb.com.

    masukitb adalah tampilan kehidupan Kampus Ganesha ITB, wadah bertanya, berdiskusi, dan berinteraksi, antara para mahasiswa atau alumni ITB, dengan para pelajar yang berminat menjadi bagian dari komunitas ITB.

    Kami berharap, Anda mau berbagi dengan pelajar dari seluruh Indonesia, yang berminat masuk ITB.

    Terima kasih 🙂

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